Subcommittees of the Maal Special Interest Group (MAAL-SIG)
Language And Communication (LC)

Datin Dr Minah Harun (Head)
Minah Harun is a senior lecturer at Universiti Utara Malaysia. Her research interests include hospitality language, peace and leadership language, interpersonal/interethnic/intercultural communication, discourse analysis, learner difficulties, English language teaching and learning.
Datin Dr. Minah binti Harun
School of Languages, Civilisation and Philosophy
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah
Email : minn@uum.edu.my

AP Dr. Zarina Othman (Assistant Head of LC)
Zarina Othman is an Associate Professor at Pusat Pengajian CITRA Universiti (School of Liberal Studies), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. She completed her PhD at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. She is currently the Deputy Dean for Language Competence She is a discourse analyst in the field of linguistics. Her research interests include Discourse, Language Teaching and Professional Communication. Email zothman@ukm.edu.my

Dr. Paramjit Kaur a/p Karpal Singh (Secretary)
Paramjit Kaur is a faculty member in the School of Education, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Her interests include Malaysian phonology, intelligibility, English as a Lingua Franca, and second language acquisition.
School of Education
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Email : paramjit@uum.edu.my

Dr Ng Lee Luan (Publicity/Promotion Manager)
Ng Lee Luan teaches postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Universiti Malaya, and she is a MA programme coordinator. Her research includes CALL, gamification in language learning, language acquisition, computer mediated communication and instruction.
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
University of Malaya (UM)

Ms. Seng Hui Zanne
Zanne is a lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies in Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in French Language and a Master’s degree in Discourse Studies. Her research interests are in discourse studies, intercultural communication and language acquisition.
Academy of Language Studies,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang
Email : huizanne@uitm.edu.my

AP Dr. Manvender Kaur a/p Sarjit Singh (Event/Programme Manager)
Manvender Kaur is a Senior Lecturer in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). She received her PhD in Applied Linguistics, specialising in corpus-based genre analysis, from the University of Technology Malaysia. Currently, she is teaching Research Methodology, Academic Writing, Discourse Analysis and Psycholinguistics to postgraduates. Her areas of research interest are TESL, ESP, corpus linguistics, genre/discourse analysis, computer-assisted corpus analysis (C.A.C.A.) approach which she developed during her PhD study, critical discourse analysis, conducting language needs analysis in professional organizations, analysing learner, genre-specific corpora, and psycholinguistics. She holds the patent for the C.A.C.A. approach. She is also keen on developing professional and academic corpus for the purpose of research. At present, she is actively motivating scholars in conducting classroom-based investigations using the CACA approach in order to enhance classroom teaching and learning practices.
Associate Professor Dr. Manvender Kaur a/p Sarjit Singh
School of Languages, Civilisation and Philosophy
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah
Email : manvender@uum.edu.my

Mr Raphael Thoo Yi Xian (Fund/Sponsor Manager)
Raphael Thoo Yi Xian is a lecturer at the Department of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Currently pursuing a PhD in English Language, his research interests include critical discourse and literary analysis.
Department of Languages and Linguistics,
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Email : thooyx@utar.edu.my