(MAAL APC 2022)

The Role of Languages in the Pursuit of Global Sustainability

10 – 11 AUGUST 2022, Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA

Subcommittees of the
Publication – Proceedings & Journals / Call for papers

AP Dr Vahid Nimehchisalem

Vahid Nimehchisalem holds a PhD in TESL. He’s been involved in teaching English as a second and foreign language since 1996. He’s currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, UPM, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Asia-e University, Malaysia. English language learning-teaching materials evaluation and language assessment are his main areas of research interest. He’s chief editor of the International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies (IJELS), managing editor of the Journal of Language and Communication (JLC), and board member of a number of other journals in the area.

Dr Kayatri Vasu

Kayatri Vasu is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Creative Industries, Department of Modern Languages, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.  Her research interests include ESL Writing , Language Assessment and Evaluation , ESP, Educational Psychology and Mixed-Method Research.